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Did you know that taking Study Biomedical Degrees in Malaysia is one of the things that are being sought by many people! At present the department is considered as something that is often taken as a step towards full medical training to become a doctor, or it can also be to pursue a career in medical research, testing and development. Biomedical science is a broad science that refers to neurological, anatomy and chemistry. Students will be equipped with laboratory skills and broad knowledge about the human body system and pathology.

Study Biomedical Degrees in Malaysia

What Exactly is Study Biomedical Degrees in Malaysia?

Biomedical Degrees in Malaysia is a major that will study the basics of biomedical science such as physiology, disease, and biochemistry. Then students will also learn about neurology, hematology, and virology. Students will be invited to conduct research and experiments in the lab, including in the surgical lab to expand the knowledge of anatomy and pathology laboratories. In the last year students will complete individual research papers for example in the fields of hematology and transfusion, experimental psychology or genome stability.

Job Opportunities of Study Biomedical Degrees in Malaysia

Biomedical scientists usually specialize in the following fields: infection, blood science, cellular or genetic and molecular pathology. The science of infection includes medical microbiology (microorganism identification that causes disease and antibiotic treatment), virology (virus identification, related diseases and monitoring of vaccine effectiveness).

Blood science includes clinical chemistry (body fluid analysis and toxicological studies), transfusion (determining the compatibility of donors / blood recipients, ensuring sufficient blood banks), hematology -(form and function of blood and related diseases), immunology (understanding the immune system and its role in combating disease)

Cellular science includes histopathology (microscopic examination of sick tissue samples), cytology (best known for screening cervical apusan, but also includes other cellular analysis). Genetics and molecular pathology include the study of gene and innate gene variations and diagnosis studies through tissue and fluid examination at the molecular level.

Study Biomedical Degrees in Malaysia

Taking Study Biomedical Degrees in Malaysia for the Future?

Related to job prospects, biomedical technical graduates can try several career choices that are still much needed. For example, becoming a technician or laboratory assistant in a health laboratory or research laboratory in research institutions. For a career in a health laboratory, it is almost certain that a biomedical technical graduate will not find any significant obstacles about techniques and work processes because they are accustomed to the learning process on campus, just adjusted to the SOP applied in the local laboratory.

In addition to working in a health laboratory, scholars who graduated from this department can also work in pharmaceuticals who focus on making and supplying drugs to the hospital. Now, for graduates of biomedical engineering, they will usually get tasks for maintenance operational or quality control on industrial equipment used by pharmaceutical companies. Then, if you want to be an entrepreneur it is also very possible you know! Don’t think that a graduate of this department cannot do business. Biomedical engineering graduates can establish companies that produce medical equipment or can be a supplier of medical goods.

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